Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Problem

Scott Stein hits with perfect accuracy the problem plaguing Ultrabooks. Most people out there haven't heard of the name, much less seen an Ultrabook in person. Just the other day I described what an Ultrabook is to one of my classmates and she kept saying, "You mean the MacBook Air?" I didn't realize just what the implications of her reactions were for the Ultrabook until later on that afternoon. It's simple, people do not know about Ultrabooks. If you're reading this, then you're in the niche that knows - you've probably gone out of your way in search of information on Ultrabooks. I'll list in quick bullets just what Scott Stein's main points are...

  • The MacBook Air is most likely device to be recognized in a line up of 10 random people.

  • Netbooks are more known than Ultrabooks - even so how many people know what a Netbook truly is? Not many. Not a good thing for the Ultrabook.

  • Spec-wise, virtually all of the First Gen Ultrabooks are indistinguishable.

  • Brandname Ultrabook's simply not known.

My own personal bullet here...
  • Spell-check keeps telling me there's no such word as Ultrabook. You win for now Spell-check, you win for now.

Here's the link to Scott's article.

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